Pre-Order Stock Updates

Pre-Order Stock Updates

If you are looking for an out of stock item or have a Pre-Order, please see the below table for current delivery updates.

This list only includes out of stock or new products releases.

Estimated dates are based on best of our knowledge and information from our partners, these dates are subject to change due to any unforeseeable reasons and things beyond our control. 

Status: As of 19/04/2024
Make  Items  ETA to 3DMax Warehouse Comments 
xTool  xToo S1 Light (White)



Shipment arrived AKL port on 24/04. Estimated delivery to 3DMAX warehouse on 01/05
xTool  P2 Class-4
xTool  xTool F1
xTool  xTool Riser Base for S1 (Dark & Light)
Creality Falcon-2 40W 
Creality New Accessories 
Creality K1C
Creality K1 Max
Creality K1C Parts
Creality Creality Laser Module 10W
Creality CR Carbon Filament 
Creality CR Scan Ferret 
TwoTrees CNC 450
TwoTrees Rotary Attachment for CNC
TwoTrees 5.5 laser module for CNC
Algo Laser Algo Laser DIY Kits 
TwoTrees Rotary Attachment for CNC
TwoTrees 5.5 laser module for CNC

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